Style Bean

Everyone has a different definition of what it means to be truly cool in your teenage years, but there are a few things you can do that anyone would agree would make you cooler. This means you should smile more, put yourself out there, make lots of friends, and build the confidence you need to really feel cool. Once you feel cool on the inside, the rest will follow. And remember -- there are very few teenagers who really feel cool, so you are in good company.


  1. 1
    Think of your good qualities, you have a lot! Go in front of the mirror and say something nice about yourself. Believe in yourself so that when you go out there, people admire your confidence and like who you are.
  2. 2
    Look good. Care about your appearance and about your clothes. They don't have to be expensive, they just have to look nice. Have your own unique style, don't try to dress like anyone else unless you just want to blend in and be unnoticed. Take care of your hair, scent, body, skin, nails, and teeth.
  3. 3
    Compliment people you meet (if you see anything you like.) Meet lots of new people and be friendly with them.
  4. 4
    Be flirty sometimes. It is fun to smile at, look at, and talk to your crush or any cute guys/girls that you like.
  5. 5
    Throw parties when you can and invite people from your classes. Don't let it get too out of hand, though, or you could be in big trouble.
  6. 6
    Be as bad as you want to! It's your life, so do what you want: nobody is your leader when you're cool!
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    Be yourself all the time, because pretending or imitating someone else is not good and not comfortable. See your awesome qualities, improve your bad ones, and be proud of who you are. You may hear this all the time, but people can spot a fake or phony.
  8. 8
    Don't stick to one person all the time. You can have close friends, and even a best friend, but if you stick to one friend at all times, you'll never meet anyone new.
  9. 9
    Be up to have fun. If anyone suggests something to do, as long as it's legal, healthy, and doesn't go against your principles, don't turn it down. Be known to be someone who will support anything fun. It is exciting and it makes you grow when you jump out of your comfort zone. But don't do anything that feels uncomfortable for the sake of being cool!
  10. 10
    Make friends with energetic, fun-loving people. This will ensure that you have lots of fun all the time. Ignore all those boring people that don't influence you.
  11. 11
    Always have something up. Every week or so, start an new fun project such as writing a song, and let some cool friends know about this. Always be looking forward to something--a school play you're going to be in, a party, a concert, or a carnival.
  12. 12
    Be known on the social scene. This means you go to all the cool parties, concerts, join school clubs, go out, and be known for your talents. Especially work on your natural talents. This will make you feel confident, happy, and famous If you're good at dancing, join a dance club and perform at talent shows.
  13. 13
    Look friendly and approachable. Laugh, play and act silly. This shows people that you're confident and fun and people will want to get to know you.
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    Make sure you're in on all things cool. Learn the new popular dance, popular music, and get to know popular people. Be like the popular kids, because they are some good examples of cool kids.
  15. 15
    Say what you want, unless if its lame. You need to stand up for yourself and your beliefs. Be the change you want to see in your life. However, do not say offensive or hurtful things to other people. Not cool.
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    Be random. Say unusual things. Stand out from the crowd and keep it interesting. Try not to be too unusual, however, as this may backfire and make you seem unapproachable.
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    Laugh at jokes that are funny, but don't feel like you have to laugh at jokes that aren't funny, if people ask you why you aren't laughing at their "funny joke" then say why you think it's not funny.
  18. 18
    Dress in a way that you like, makes you feel pretty/handsome, and isn't an eyesore for others. Don't dress in a inappropriate way that only gives people the impression that you are asking for attention.
  19. 19
    Be modestly sarcastic. Don't always say mean things, but if you see the irony in something, people will appreciate your wit.
  20. 20
    Don't do things just for the sake of looking or feeling cool. That's the most uncool thing that you can possibly do, and later you will look back on what you did and say, "Wow, look how dumb I was. I thought I was so cool, but I was just being stupid."
  21. 21
    Like who you are. After all, if you don't like you, how can other people? Be comfortable in your own skin, and make choices that will allow you to respect yourself. Respect for yourself is ten times more important than others' respect for you. You have to live with you, not anyone else.
  22. 22
    Avoid getting bullied. If you ever get bullied, talk to someone!
  23. 23
    Stand up for yourself. Don't just stand up for your peers, but yourself, show that you have confidence, but don't become stuck up, no one likes a show off.
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    Remember, you can't get along with everybody. If someone doesn't like you, don't keep following them, they're not worth your time.
  25. 25
    Dont swear. This is NOT big and tough, or cool, and can get you into trouble.
  26. 26
    Have a healthy sense of humor. Typically, the funnier you are, the cooler you become. Don't turn into a class clown, but if you can make someone laugh, do it. Laughter is contagious, and your name will spread like wildfire.
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