Nigerian celebs are more humble which is a good virtue to emulate from someone you look up to the highest the worst nigerian celeb can be is snubbish, American celebs on the other hand are snubbish,they become impossible to work with, they frequently get on the wrong side of the law and they are usually involved in aggrevated violence and at the end of the day, they hire a $500 per-hour lawyer who makes them serve a five month prison sentence in 2hours and then come out to their fans without an apology but rather a defiant gesture like hopping untop your car and raising your fists to the air like a God-damn freedom fighter what are they trying to teach their fans? That only the rich and famous can get away with anything?
Hope you don’t mind I will be focusing on the ladies here. Who are the finest female celebs right now in america? Is it Kim kardashian, beyonce, nicki minaj, rihanna,minka kelly,may be kelly rowland? Name your finest american female celeb and I assure you nigerian female celebs will top them forget omotola or genevieve,think of chelsea eze, damilola adgbite,emma nyra,sheyi shey,even tiwa savage, they all rank high above any so called “fine” american female celeb and what makes it even more epic is that nigerian celebs lead by being natural, americans on the under hand do liposuctions,bo-tox procedures(pardon my spelling) and some times hard core cosmetic surgery think of any american female celeb they have gone cosmetic surgery before.
Check all american celebs whether its lil-wayne, celine dion,gabrielle union , the game, drake? they all have charity organizations or NGOs why? Apart from. Press coverage, it is one of their famous tax evasion/money laundering strategy think about any charity projects they’ve done whether its feeding japanese refugees or establishing pet shelters if they give $1million that’s cos they are trying to hide away $100million. If they had no loopholes to exploit. In being charitable guess what? They won’t be CHARITABLE. Nigerians on the other hand give what they have when they have it pure generosity all the way even though the press cover it, there is no plan to get their money back
American celebs are just too weak .Fine paparrazzis can be quite annoying(after all they did murder princess diana)but american celebs don’t lead by example when they show us how badly they crack under pressure they start abusing drugs(both prescribed and hard drugs),hiding cowardly from journalists when they can easily just do nothing that the press can twist against them and some of them even commit suicide .even if you wan do papparrazzi for naija, nigerian celebs have the strength to be disciplined and the strength to ignore rumors even if a nigerian celeb is to take hard drugs, after the stage performance or song recital, that’s it they don’t become chronic abusers and suicide? For where naija man go come commit suicide say wetin happen
Just for a shot of fame and to stay in the limelight americans make s*x-tapes, expose intimate details about themselves and sometimes even stage scandals e.g: the kim k/ ray j Compromizing Video, paris hilton Compromizing Video who would have known them if not for that? So in other words you have to be scandal to be famous? Is that what they are telling us?nigerian celebs on the other hand, hard work and patience is their tool. Even cossy orjiakor as nasty and desperate as she is, she has not as much as posted a Unclad photo of herself not to speak of making a Compromizing Video even she has principles
Is one thing to tell me that you are a budhist or a jew it is another thing to tell me you are an atheist but it is absolutely wrong to start your own religion with your own rules and prophecies so we can worship you?nigeria who get time you are either a christian or a muslim, one nation under God but america they’ve got kabala(madonna,britney spears,guy ritchie,paul haggis etc) then scientology(tom cruise, katie holmes etc) there was even a rumor that oprah wanted to start her own religion and that is just wrong definitely not what you would want people to see and copy.
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